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The Page Turner Multiplex

Reading books is not my only passion. I am also a writer as well and although I focus mainly on Screenwriting, I have been writing prose for more than half of my life. My interests and genre range limit is almost non-existent, so expect to come across the unexpected here ^__^.

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Christopher Bollen
Progress: 50/624 pages
If I Could Turn Back Time
Beth Harbison

Waiting for the One Book Review

— feeling big smile
Waiting for the One - L.A. Fiore


L.A. Fiore's Waiting For The One hooked me from page one. Saffron Mills is fun, sarcastic, honest, and a kiss-asses-first, take names second kind of girl; one of the most relatable characters I have come across. Fiore does a great job in keeping Saffron's voice and character consistent from beginning to end without any reestablishing of Saffron's backstory or life before the here and now in the book, which is something I really appreciated.

I give this book 3 swordfishes; I mean stars ;-) (man talk about a running gag ^__^) because of the partial unreliability of Saffron’s first person narration. I often felt as though some scenes between her and Logan were always missing a few details and I found my self flip-flopping for and against their relationship because I doubted his true feelings and thoughts as they were being told to me by Saffron whom could be miss reading things herself.

Another reason is that I would have liked it if the two’s relationship—Saffron & Logan—had taken a bit longer to develop because I found I enjoyed single/solo Saffron way more than coupled/domestic Saffron. She was never more alive or like herself than when she was hanging out with her friends, with Frank, or on her own.

In addition, without giving too much away, my expectations regarding Logan’s shrouded past were lowered when I discovered his affluent connections not only as an artist, but with his family too. This deficiently overused cliché did put a damper in my reading experience. :-/

Moreover, the image or take on Logan’s character and personality came across as generic and often not trust worthy. When Logan finally starts to open up to Saffron I found myself distrusting his story and wanting their relationship to come to an end, even voicing, “It’s not too late, Saffron. You can still find yourself a decent fella before the end of this book.”

Regardless, it is not often I find myself on the same page with the protagonist as they dive into the unknown, face life altering decisions and events, but I did with this book. And I truly believe it was Fiore’s ability of crafting such a strong and independent thinking female protagonist—and the steamy love scenes—that will draw in any reader. One who would enjoy a story about life, love and change all in the festival having small town of Harrington, Maine.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23733234-waiting-for-the-one?ac=1