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The Page Turner Multiplex

Reading books is not my only passion. I am also a writer as well and although I focus mainly on Screenwriting, I have been writing prose for more than half of my life. My interests and genre range limit is almost non-existent, so expect to come across the unexpected here ^__^.

Currently reading

Christopher Bollen
Progress: 50/624 pages
If I Could Turn Back Time
Beth Harbison

This Saturday

Reblogged from Ami's Hoard:
— feeling big smile

I woke up this morning to one of the most wonderful news!!



On another note, this is weekend, and maybe I can finish reading a NOVEL. Been reading only short stories or novellas lately. With this past week (and for the next three) being Ramadhan, I felt that I either got too sleepy, had other religious activity, or didn't really up for reading anything during workdays. Weekends should give me more time.